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[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike.

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Number of posts : 112
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[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptydo 26 jul 2012 - 21:53

Love and Hate, they are so alike.

I don't wear designer clothes, I don't go to the finest schools. But I know, I ain't no foo-ool baby. I may not be a star, I am not driving the sickest car. But I know, I can make you happy-y baby.

A body marked by the past of this beloved creature entered the area that was called BMH these days. His appearance was unknown for most creatures here. Well let us say as for all actually, because Shamrock was an outsider, a horse with no purpose, a horse with no family, ... In short, a horse with no meaning. But Shamrock was wrong. He does have a family, but they don't know the forced stallion had survived the assassination attempt. He knew he was blessed finding his way again, he knew that better than anybody else, but still.. He was missing his own melody, the melody of his life. Something that would make him feel better, that could cheer him up when he was down. Finding something that could compare would be his new quest of the day. He wasn't someone who looked forward in life, no he just lived the present moment.

Eventually he stopped at a little river, where he pitched his nose in the air. He was wondering.. What would happen today. (...)

** For english people, or dutch, doesnt really matter. I just love speaking english n.n

Laatst aangepast door I.mes op vr 27 jul 2012 - 14:06; in totaal 2 keer bewerkt
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Number of posts : 28
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptyvr 27 jul 2012 - 5:09

A cherry bay mare struggled to open her eyes. The few times she managed to open them, her eyesight was so blurry that she couldn't see or observe her surroundings. She gave up, and laid her head back down. She didn't know who she was, where she was, or even what she was.
Her normal eyesight slowly returned to the mare. Along with that, a name came to her: Cerise. It wasn't just any name, it was her name.
Cerise stood up, shivering in the icy cold weather. Her bright green eyes quickly surveyed the land around her. She was on the side of a large hill, barely a mountain. She spotted a little river in the distance and decided that it was most likely the best place to go. She galloped down the hill, eager to get to the river.
The small journey gave her some time to think. The mountains surrounding her were a majestic sight to bear, but they weren't familiar. At this point, she had nothing. No friends, no family, no place to call home. Cerise wanted to remember what had happened to her. She was a full grown horse, so she was bound to have a past.
Cerise skidded to a halt about two or three feet away from the river, spotting a stallion on the other side. She froze, staring at him, wondering if he would notice her.
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Number of posts : 112
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptyvr 27 jul 2012 - 14:02

Love and Hate, they are so alike.

I don't wear designer clothes, I don't go to the finest schools. But I know, I ain't no foo-ool baby. I may not be a star, I am not driving the sickest car. But I know, I can make you happy-y baby.

He reached out his neck and pushed his dark colored lips slowly against the water surface. It was refreshing, something Shamrock loved more than anything. A refreshing in life. He swallowed a little bit of the water and afterwards he raised his head again. He really had no idea that a few meters further a mare was looking towards him.

Shamrock wasn't an easy individual. He had DID, the Dissociative identity disorder. It was a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities. You can say, Shamrock was never the same horse you met. One time he could be so sweet, the other time he would hate or not recognize you. He had a bad and a good side, unfortunately the bad side took the upper hand. He is trying to fight it, but its really a no-go...

A small sigh left Shamrock's mouth while his eyes slipped further over the area. He just felt that today was going to be a good day. But like any forecast, things still could go wrong anytime. That was the moment he heard the rock fell into the water and he finally noticed the mare. His blue watchers slid slowely over her body and whereupon they freezed at her eyes. Even though his facial expression wasn't unfriendly, it wasn't really friendly either. Lets say, that he was looking at her with a neutral view. Shamrock was someone who rather stood there and wait, than approach the mare himself. He was wondering what to expect, what she would do. (...)

Laatst aangepast door I.mes op di 31 jul 2012 - 12:28; in totaal 2 keer bewerkt
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Number of posts : 28
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptyza 28 jul 2012 - 8:12

Cerise flicked her ears back, but remained where she was, ready to spring if things got bad. She was more cautious than anything, her survival instincts were unusually strong, and always had been.
If Cerise had known where she was, she wouldn't have hesitated to fire up the stallion. She was a trouble maker, and to make matters worse, a stubborn one. She would only take orders from horses above her rank, and if you dared to order her around, she'd do everything in her power to kill you. She was a strong mare, and hated to be underestimated, but sometimes, she really does overestimate herself. Despite all her flaws, she loved to play around with stallion's hearts. She always found it so amusing when they fought over her, only then to discover she wasn't at all fond of them.
Cerise decided it was better to take a more friendly approach to the stallion. If she ran, she'd most likely be frozen to death, get even more lost than she already was, or meet another horse who was more bothered by her presence than this stallion.
She smiled timidly, and took a small step forward. "Hello," Cerise said, lowering her head slightly, and trying to look as harmless as possible.
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Number of posts : 112
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptydi 31 jul 2012 - 0:09

[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. 24zhh5d

** there is one mistake in my topic, she said hello, not her name, my bad n.n
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Number of posts : 28
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptydi 31 jul 2012 - 4:54

** It's okay, we'll pretend she said "hello, my name is Cerise." (;

Cerise smiled deviously back, observing her surroundings a little closer as a plan formed in her head.
"Beautiful is such a strong word, don't you think? Then again, so is awful," She said, staring at her appearance in the water. A strong breeze flew towards the horses. Cerise threw her head up, enjoying the the cool and refreshing air, and exposing the splash of black that went down her neck, and her stomach.
"Beauty is an opinion, I could be pretty to you, but ugly to someone else. Awful is also an opinion. I believe it's not the time, place, or season that makes a place awful," Cerise said, her voice getting darker, "it's the horses you're with that make a place seem so terrible. Wouldn't you agree?" She finished, staring coldly at the stallion.

[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. 2hrnzwi
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Number of posts : 112
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptydi 31 jul 2012 - 12:59

Love and Hate, they are so alike

Sham was pleasantly surpised when he heard how the mare was using his words to make her own opinion. " correct " he said. "But again, there are stereotypes. You can see beauty as whats inside. Your inner beauty. On top of that, this awful place may not look very awful to you but its about the truth behind the curtains." Sham loved talking in riddles, but still with a certain truth in it. Besides, it was all about you, and your way to translate all the things he said. (...)

Sham shuddered when the strong breeze flew by. It would be almost Blue Moon, something that was very familiair for tis place. Sham heard a lot about it, but never really believed the whole story. He thought everyone was exaggerated. " Cerise, dear, Do you know something about the Blue Moon ?" he asked, after his eyes found hers again.

Bang, bang, I shot you down. Bang, bang, you hit the ground. Bang, bang, that awful sound
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Number of posts : 28
Status : Active
[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Emptyvr 10 aug 2012 - 0:08

"How do you I have any inner beauty? We just met," Cerise pointed out, avoiding the topic of how awful this place was. It looked brilliant, but she had an eerie feeling creeping over her at the mention of the Blue Moon.
"The Blue Moon? What about it? You're acting like the trees bite," She said, grinning a little. Her grin quickly disappeared as a thought came to her. "The trees don't really bite, right?" She asked, staring intently at Shamrock.

[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. 2hrnzwi

**Sorry for disappearing! I've been extremely busy lately.
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[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Vide

BerichtOnderwerp: Re: [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. [ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike. Empty

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[ENG] Love and hate, they are so alike.

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