I'm really really really obsessed with the serial story Grimm,
so I was thinking it would be nice to do a plot based on it.
I'm gonna join a new horse, named Adelind, based on the character Adalind.
What I need:
- The kiss, I'm looking for both parents of adelind. Her mother doesnt care about her, but with her father she has a very strong relationship. Unfortunately her father is very busy, so he leaves her alone very often. Maybe if your horses are breeding now and you're still looking for a player for the foal, thats also fine with me (:
- Love sick, For this character I need a stallion who is laid back and fair,
and totally enchanted by Adelind. But Adelind is just playing a game with him.
Unfortunatly this stallion has no idea that he is being played. Adelind is his treasure.
- Cat and Mouse, These are two characters who are 'grimms'. They hunt Adelind down,
because they want to prevent that more horses will get hurt.
They know what Adelind did, they know that she is manipulating others
followed by death. Adelind killed two horses, who were very close to
these two characters (family, friends, you can choose).
So they're looking for revenge.
- Woman in black, This character is like a sister to Adalind. They share everything together and
they play the same game. -Most call them, the beautiful charming twin-
- Island of dreams, This character is Adelind's prince charming. She is secretly in love with him
but no one (can) know(s). because that would ruin her mask.
Unfortunately this character is evil and is just using Adelind. He actually
plays the same game as Adelind does, but unlike the other times her
love and charm for him is real.
Mommy & daddy:
Love sick:
Cat and mouse:
Woman in black:
Island of dreams:
Iemand die mij wil helpen een hele site te maken over deze chars, en hun verhaal:
If you got any more ideas, let me know :3